Since 1990, the Penn Resilience Program has been widely used by many schools around the world. We have trained thousands of teachers to teach the resilience skills to more than 150,000 students. Following is information and press coverage on the Penn Resilience Program, which is also referred to as Positive Education:
Testimonials from Educators who Participated in the Penn Resilience Program
Dr. Karen Reivich Interview on Positive Education, July 2012
Dr. Martin Seligman Interview on Positive Education, 2016
Dr. Martin Seligman Interview on PERMA and Flourishing in the Classroom, 2016
Dr. Martin Seligman on Positive Education
Research on the Penn Resilience Program for Middle School Students
Research on the Penn Resilience Program for College Students
Research Article on Positive Education and Classroom Interventions
The Telegraph, Public school to create chain of 'happy academies', 22 April 2012
New York Times Magazine, What if the Secret to Success is Failure?, 14 September 2011
The Australian, If They're Happy and They Know it, June 4, 2012
Times Online (UK), Pupils bounce back with ‘happiness lessons’, 29 May 2009