Course Syllabi for Teachers

The following syllabi were provided by various college professors of psychology, in the hope that teachers might find them useful in developing a syllabus for a Positive Psychology course. These are in reverse chronological order.

If you would like to add your course syllabus to this page, email Peter Schulman


Psychology and the Good Life, 2018, Dr. Laurie Santos

Happiness and Health, 2018, Dr. Frederic Luskin

Human Happiness, 2016, Dr. Dacher Keltner

Work, Wisdom, and Happiness, 2016, Dr. Jonathan Haidt

Introduction to Positive Psychology, 2016, Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman

Foundations in Positive Organizational Scholarship, 2016, Dr. Jane Dutton

Science of Well Being, 2015, Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky

Psychology of Happiness and Virtue, 2015, Dr. Sonja Lyubomirsky

Motivation and Emotion, 2016, Dr. Carol Dweck

Self-Theories (Mindsets), 2015, Dr. Carol Dweck

Becoming a Transformational Leader, 2015, Dr. Robert Quinn

Introduction to Positive Psychology, 2014, Dr. Angela Duckworth

Positive Psychology, 2012, Dr. Acacia Parks

Well Being and the Practice of Law, 2012, Dan Bowling


Click here to access syllabi at the University of Michigan Center for Positive Organizations website


Older Syllabi:

An Appreciative Inquiry Approach to Change Leadership, Dr. David Cooperrider

Positive Psychology Syllabus, 2006, Dr. Christopher Peterson

Positive Psychology Syllabus, 2006, Dr. Jeffrey Froh

Positive Psychology Syllabus, 2006, Dr. Tayyab Rashid

Resilience and Positive Psychology Syllabus, 2006, Dr. Marie Shafe

Positive Psychology Syllabus, 2006, Dr. Margarita Tarragona (in Spanish, for undergraduates)

Positive Psychology Syllabus, 2006, Dr. Margarita Tarragona (in Spanish, for Masters in Counseling)

Positive Psychology of Meaning Syllabus, 2006, Dr. Paul Wong

Psychology of Happiness Syllabus, 2006, Dr. Jamie Kurtz

Science of Well Being, 2006, Dr. Hazel Markus and Dr. Katie Curhan

Positive Psychology, 2006, Dr. Tal Ben-Shachar, Syllabus and Readings

Psychology of Leadership, 2006, Dr. Tal Ben-Schachar, Syllabus and Readings

Psychology of Happiness Syllabus, 2006, Dr. Bill Compton

Positive Psychology: Thriving and Flourishing, Dr. Ken Hart, 2005, Syllabus and Exam

Flourishing Syllabus, Dr. Jonathan Haidt, 2004, Reading List and Final Paper

Psychology of Strengths and Virtues Syllabus, 2004, Dr. Gitendra Uswatte

Mind/Body Medicine & The Art of Self-Care Syllabus, Dr. John Christopher

Managing Professional Relationships, 2003, Dr. Jane Dutton

Science of Happiness Syllabus, 2003, Dr. Nancy Etcoff

Positive Psychology Syllabus, 2003, Dr. Martin Seligman

Positive Psychology Interventions Syllabus, 2002, Dr. Christopher Peterson

Science of Happiness Syllabus, 2002, Dr. Nancy Etcoff

Positive Psychology Syllabus, 2002, Dr. Martin Seligman

Positive Psychology Syllabus, 2002, Dr. Martin Seligman

Positive Psychology Syllabus, 2000, Dr. Martin Seligman

Psychology of Adjustment Syllabus, 2000, Dr. Suzanne Segerstrom

Positive Psychology Syllabus, 1999/2000, Dr. Martin Seligman

Positive Psychology Syllabus, 1999, Dr. Martin Seligman

Philosophy of Psychology Reading List, 1999, Dr. Robert Nozick