Questionnaires for Researchers

This section has information about some questionnaires that might be useful for researchers. Some of the questionnaires can be downloaded from this site. This list is not intended to be an endorsement of the questionnaires. If you would like to recommend a questionnaire for this Web page, e-mail Peter Schulman.

Click on the following questionnaires to learn more:

Adult Hope Scale

Attributional Style Questionnaire

Curiosity and Exploration Inventory

Gratitude Questionnaire

Inspiration Scale

Meaning in Life Questionnaire

Mindful Attention Awareness Scale

Older Adults' Attributional Style Questionnaire


Personal Growth Initiative Scale

Psychological Well-Being Scales

Quality of Life Inventory

Satisfaction with Life Scale

Silver Lining Questionnaire

State-Trait-Cheerfulness Inventory

Subjective Happiness Scale

Transgression-Related Interpersonal Motivations Inventory

VIA Survey of Character Strengths